Wordpress Tips

The editor has encountered an unexpected error. WordPress – How to solve?

Encountering errors while working on your WordPress site can be frustrating, especially when they disrupt your workflow. One common issue that users may encounter is...

Wordpress Tips - on March 12, 2024

How to unpublish a wordpress site? Detailed Guide

In the dynamic world of website management, there are times when you may need to unpublish your WordPress site temporarily or permanently. Whether you’re revamping...

Blog - on

Mastering WordPress: A Guide to Troubleshooting Common Errors

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, powering millions of websites. However, like any software, it is not...

Wordpress Tips - on February 6, 2024

How to Build a Profitable WordPress Website in 3 Easy Steps

Out of the most famous website builders, also known as content management systems, the most popular one for 2024 is WordPress and there’s good reason...

Wordpress Tips - on January 6, 2024
How to Install a WordPress Theme Zip File

How to Install WordPress Theme From Zip File

You can install free WordPress themes directly from the WordPress admin area. But, sometimes you need to install a Pro WordPress theme or a different...

Wordpress Tips - on October 27, 2023
A laptop with the WordPress Logo in it and as a gear. Below it, it says How to Install a Free WordPress Theme in 60 Seconds

WordPress ยป How to Install a Free Theme the Easy Way

WordPress can be confusing for beginners. This tutorial will show you how to install a free WordPress theme from your admin area. And it’s easy!...

Wordpress Tips - on October 29, 2022